[NTLUG:Discuss] Can Linux help me limit my kids' time on the computer?

Wayne Walker wwalker at bybent.com
Mon Dec 25 13:19:41 CST 2006

Does he have his own computer?  or does he share another computer?

run the command "last"   it gives you the time info for a given person.

You can put a script in /etc/profile that looks at the username and if
it's one of the kids, looks at the output of last, calcs the time
they've been on and exits if they've exceeded their allotted time.

On Sat, Dec 23, 2006 at 05:31:48PM -0600, Lance Simmons wrote:
> I want to limit my kids' time on the household computers.  Well, just
> one of my kids, really.  I'd like to be able to allow him a certain
> number of hours each week, and somehow automate the restrictions.
> Is there a way to put in place a policy that says "you've got ten
> hours to use this week, any time you want, but after those ten hours
> are finished, you have to wait until next week"?
> In any case, even if there's not an effective way to automate such
> restrictions, is there an easy way for me to keep track of total
> number of hours logged by a particular person?
> -- 
> Lance Simmons
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Wayne Walker

www.unwiredbuyer.com - when you just can't be by the computer

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