[NTLUG:Discuss] Web hosting.

Stuart Johnston saj at thecommune.net
Thu Aug 31 19:50:34 CDT 2006

Robert Pearson wrote:
> On 8/31/06, Chris Cox <cjcox at acm.org> wrote:
>> Stuart Johnston wrote:
>>> On 10:52 pm 08/30/2006 steve <sjbaker1 at airmail.net> wrote:
>>>> I've always hosted my personal web site on a PC at home - but
>>>> I just volunteered to set up hosting for my local car club.
>>>> Who are the "good guys" for web hosting these days?
>>>> [...snip...]
>> [...snip...]
>> Love to get a good Linux VPS style solution...
> How does the VPS solution look at:
> <<http://www.a2hosting.com/vps_hosting.php>>

That's three times more than UnixShell.  I don't understand why someone 
would pay $75/month for a 192M VPS when you can get an actual dedicated 
server with 512M for the same.

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