[NTLUG:Discuss] Can Linux help me limit my kids' time on the computer?

David Stanaway david at stanaway.net
Tue Dec 26 19:04:09 CST 2006

If you don't need to enforce it, then that is easy.

Last is your friend. I am sure there are tools that filter its output,
alternatly there will be tools that look at /var/log/wtmp directly.

There is a python interface


on Debian, it doesn't have any reverse dependencies so I am not sure if
there are any higher level tools that use it, but you might be able to
use that, or a script that sums usage from wtmp.

Lance Simmons wrote:
> On 12/26/06, steve <sjbaker1 at airmail.net> wrote:
>> But if you REALLY must do this (sending the message "I don't
>> trust you" to your child).
> It's not a trust issue.  It's that neither of us is really sure how
> much time he's spending on the computer, and we need a way to find
> out.  We've settled on an amount of time per week we agree he can
> spend on the computer, but so far there's no easy way of monitoring
> it.  I want an easy way to check how much time he's spent in the past
> 7 days.
> The "last" command is promising (and I can't believe I didn't know
> about it), but what a pain sorting through the output, and what about
> all the login shells that are run during one session?  Isn't there a
> program that can analyze the logs and give an accurate number of hours
> he has used the computer each day?  It needs to be something he can
> easily use to tell how much time he's on the computer.
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