[NTLUG:Discuss] Can Linux help me limit my kids' time on the computer?

steve sjbaker1 at airmail.net
Tue Dec 26 15:56:18 CST 2006

Personally, I find the best approach is to supervise my kid online.

If you get into all of the devious ways the kid could disobey you
and get into an 'arms race' of ways to circumvent your demands,
you've already lost the parenting battle.

But if you REALLY must do this (sending the message "I don't
trust you" to your child).   Forget fancy software solutions
- just plug the monitor into one of these:


...you can use it for TV, computer, anything else that's
powered from the wall socket.

Note that I said "THE MONITOR" - you wouldn't want to repeatedly
yank the power off the main computer box without proper shutdown

Of course if it's a laptop - your're screwed.

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