[NTLUG:Discuss] Web hosting.

Stuart Johnston saj at thecommune.net
Thu Aug 31 08:30:57 CDT 2006

On 10:52 pm 08/30/2006 steve <sjbaker1 at airmail.net> wrote:
> I've always hosted my personal web site on a PC at home - but
> I just volunteered to set up hosting for my local car club.
> Who are the "good guys" for web hosting these days?
> We need a mailing list (about 200 subscribers), a web site
> (maybe 50Gbytes of stuff) and I'd like to set up a Wiki
> and a Forum system.
> But since I'm running it - I need something Linux-based with
> whatever tools also Linux-based.  (Although FTP would do
> fine).
> Cost is also a concern.
> What recommendations do you guys have?

dreamhost.com - they've had some power and network problems in their
datacenter recently but generally are pretty reliable.  And very
affordable.  Coupons are easily available that will get you the first year
for practically free.  They also have autoinstalls for things like wiki's
and forums.

If you need uber-reliable, I'd suggest pair.com.  Although they run a BSD,
it is generally close enough to Linux you shouldn't have much trouble.  You
get less per $1 though.

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