[NTLUG:Discuss] OT: high-speed video camera

Fred James fredjame at fredjame.cnc.net
Tue Aug 29 00:50:09 CDT 2006

Rusty Haddock wrote:

>I know it's off topic but is anyone on the list familiar enough with
>video equipment AND knows where I could borrow or rent a high-speed video
>camera in the Dallas area?  I'd like to get something that's capable of
>capturing events at between 500 and 1000 frames/sec, preferrably into
>a digital format instead of video tape.
>	-Rusty-
Rusty Haddock
That seemed awfully fast to me, however ...

A quick "google" (verb) and all I found was California, and the fact 
that some of these cameras can get up to 30,000 FPS, either to memory or 
directly to a computer.

I just sent an email to the head of our photo studio to see if he may be 
able to suggest anyone you might contact in Dallas, and I shall pass on 
any information he may be able to supply.
Fred James

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