Single Sign On Video Script
Setting up automatic authentication to Linux/Unix hosts from a Windows client.
Christopher J. Cox
North Texas Linux Users Group
July 11, 2006
Virtual Machines - SERVERS
- fbcproxy (SUSE 10.0) -
- NFS/Samba Home Directories (Domain Member)
- NIS Master domainname=fbc.nis
- w2k3 (Windows 2003 SBS) -
- Active Directory, Windows-Domain=FBC
- User Account Creation
Virtual Machines - CLIENTS
- ntlugvp-xp (Windows XP SP2) - DHCP
- suse10 (SUSE 10.0) - DHCP
- A user's workstation (or server)
- Joined to the FBC Windows domain, can use domain password for login
- Member of the fbc.nis NIS domain
- sol10 (Solaris 10 x86) - DHCP
- A user's workstation (or server)
- Member of the fbc.nis NIS domain
Create New User in Windows Domain
- Go to w2k3
- Create a new user account
- Set home (H:) directory to \\fbcproxy\homes
Login for the First Time
- Go to ntlugvp-xp
- Login as the new user
- Verify that home directory is mapped
Contact SUSE Client
- Using PuTTY, connect to suse10
- Login using Windows password
- Do ypcat passwd to show BadPassword in fbc.nis
Generate a PuTTY SSH Key
- Go to ntlugvp-xp
- Execute puttygen to generate a version 2 key
- Go to open PuTTY session to suse10.
- Cut and paste key information into .ssh/authorized_keys2
- Logout of PuTTY session
- Save puttygen private key to StartUp folder
- Logout of ntlugvp-xp
Single Sign On
- Go to ntlugvp-xp
- Login as the new user
- Create a PuTTY session for suse10
- SSH version 2
- Connection->Auto-login username set to the newuser
- Save/Open
- In without typing a password
Single Sign On
- Go to ntlugvp-xp
- Create a PuTTY session for sol10
- SSH version 2
- Connection->Auto-login username set to the newuser
- Save/Open
- In without typing a password