The Nexus One (Google Phone) A few references for people who attended today's presentation and are curious about some of the items and/or references (based on discussions after the presentation): - Micro SD / M2 reader (keychain usb memory adapter) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012Y02CE - Individual (and often hard-to-find) USB and power adapters http://www.cables4computer.com/Ziplinq/USB_Adapters.html - Android marketplace (Android apps) http://www.androlib.com/ - Webcam and software used as document camera Microsoft LiveCam Cinema, guvcview, mplayer - offlineimap (used to synchronize mail among multiple computers) http://software.complete.org/software/wiki/offlineimap/ I'll be glad to provide details on other parts of the presentation
as well -- just ask. Thanks to everyone who attended, it was fun!