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Created by Terry Henderson on September 26, 2011, at 03:42 AM

Any Prairie Home Companion fans here?
A neighbor of mine got me re-interested in the show when he told me what a good time he had at one of the "Summer Love" shows at Bass Hall earlier this moth, I realized why I didn't catch the show. Even though it comes on two times each weekend, I seem to be doing other stuff and miss it almost every week. (It plays at 5 pm on Saturday and 10:30 am on Sunday each week, our time.) Anyway, I decided to try and capture it and sure, enough, it's not hard at all. I caught it this Saturday (September 24 at 5 pm) with cron job(s):
01 17 * * sat streamripper -l 7800
04 19 * * sat pkill streamripper
(This particular stream will end on it's own but I've set it to only capture for two hours, (7800 seconds) The kill job may not be necessary but just wanted to make sure it doesn't keep on...)
So what you end up with is:
~/Minnesota\ Public\ Radio\ News/Garrison\ Keillor\ -\ A\ Prairie\ Home\ Companion.mp3
And I would assume it will get overwritten next week, so that's perfect. I listened to the show today and will just leave it there and see what happens next week.
.................... I was wrong, it just creates another file:
Garrison Keillor - A Prairie Home Companion (1).mp3 </FYI> Back to Site Blogs

Page last modified on August 06, 2012, at 01:14 PM